Lawn Topdressing

Topdressing is the covering of all, or part of your lawn with sand/soil. Top dressing a lawn is a practice we regularly do as part of our lawn renovations, often going hand in hand with Vertimowing and Core Aertation.

Why do we Topdress lawns?

There are 2 main reasons why we topdress lawns? :

  1. To rectify level issues
  2. To improve the soil structure

If we are topdressing a lawn to rectify level issues and improve the turf surface, we will use Plasterers Sand. This sand creates a good base and foundation for turf. It is also excellent for drainage and does not crust and compact like Brickies Sand does. This sand will not add any nutrients, so using a good quality fertiliser will be needed.

If we are topdressing to improve the soil structure, we will use a quality sand and compost mix. This will add organics into the soil and improve the soil structure, and increase water retention. It’s important to know that changing soil structures isn’t a quick fi, it is an on going process that that takes time.

What is done after Topdressing?

Using a good quality fertiliser and wetting agent after topdressing is a good practice. This will help your lawn grow through, and recover quicker. Depending on how much sand/soil has been applied, you may not need to mow for a while. When you do need to mow, it  is best to avoid mowing over any sand/soil as it will blunt your blades.